Hey soon-to-be dunker, I don’t care if you’re under 6 feet tall. If you’re ‘un-athletic or if you’ve already tried every bogus jump ‘tutorial’ you could find on YouTube. Before you give up on your dream of throwing down rim‑shaking dunks.
Let me tell you something. You CAN Dunk. And over the next few minutes, I’m going to prove it to you beyond any reasonable doubt. Because I’m going to teach you my new 3-step, zero to slam framework. It’s called VERT SHOCK. And it’s a new system that YOU can use IMMEDIATELY to increase your jump a whopping 9 – 15+ inches. All in less than 8 weeks. Heck, most people see BIG results in as little as just a few days.
VERT SHOCK is the only system I know of that’s PROVEN to boost your hops. Regardless of your age, Height, Athleticism, Genetics.
Maybe you’ve heard of Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington. His dunks are casually featured in Slam Magazine and Bleacher Report.

He was on TNT’s hit show The Dunk King. And I’m happy to call him a good friend of mine. Like I said, he currently holds the title as the World’s #1 HIGHEST Dunker. Here’s a picture of him accepting the first-place trophy at the Nike World Dunk Contest alongside LeBron and Anthony Davis. Even though he may be considered the world’s top dunker, he wasn’t always flying around the world just to showcase his dunks.
Long story short, he and I grew up together in Canada. And after using and mastering the 3 simple steps in VERT SHOCK, which you’ll learn too in a moment, he has taken his dunks to a whole new level.
And let me be clear, I’d be a complete liar if I promised you’re going to jump 50 inches. That’s ridiculous, Justin is an absolute freak of nature. But, I will promise you one thing. If you follow this done-for-you roadmap. Consisting of just a few simple workouts each week.
Like I said, it is the best feeling in the world. And today I’m going to share with you the roadmap to the dunk mecca. It’s a new 60-day ELITE vertical trainer, which I call VERT SHOCK. And if you’re willing to stick with me for just a few minutes, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. Including exactly WHAT VERT SHOCK is…
WHY this training regimen works a group of leg muscles that you likely never hear about…
WHO has already thrown down massive dunks by following this method.
And most importantly HOW you can use this method to dunk in less than 8 weeks.
Before I go any further, I really want you to think about it. What would your life be like if you could throw down high flying dunks with ease?
Anytime you wanted?
Would you finally get that starting spot on your team?
Maybe you’d be the star who always gets the rock when the game’s on the line. Imagine your whole school… maybe the whole town… watching you throw down the MASSIVE dunks in games.
Imagine getting tagged in videos all over Instagram and Facebook…
Imagine catching the attention of college scouts nationwide…
Because it trains a unique subset of your muscle tissue which we call your ‘elastic fibers’.
And without getting into too much deep science they’re essentially the muscle fibers that turn your legs into rubber bands. When you bend your legs, tension builds up. And when you extend them it releases. It’s all very simple.

The only way to increase your maximum vertical is to target and strengthen your elastic fibers. Stronger elastic fibers equal more tension which equals a higher vertical. BUT, If you don’t train using special exercises, you end up neglecting them.
Let me say, if you’re skeptical, remember I was too. After all - if this Russian workout program was so effective why hadn’t anyone taught it before?
Well, there’s a couple reasons for that. I already told you about the so-called gurus on YouTube dishing out misinformation. The other reason? Well…

The magic behind training elastic fibers was actually developed by a Russian sports scientist named Dr. Verkhoshansky in the late 1960s. It’s hard to pronounce so I just call him Dr. Vert, or Dr. V for short. Dr. V developed the ‘SHOCK’ method to give the Soviet Union an unfair advantage in the Olympic high jump. He discovered that repetitive training like squats and other ‘usual’ methods had little effect on the athlete’s actual jump height.
This allowed the Soviets to bring home the Olympic high jump medal in 1960, 1964, 1968 and 1972. You get the point. The Russians dominated the high jump with the SHOCK method. Anyways, crazy as it all sounds, several scientific studies confirm your elastic fibers are the only way to increase your hops.

All you have to do is follow the routine which began with Dr. V’s work and you have the blueprint to strengthening your elastic fibers. Which results in a higher vertical jump. The only problem is. Dr. V’s research and training regimen is kind of scattered all over the place. And a lot of it has to be translated from Russian. There’s even a manual that his younger daughter recently translated into English. But it doesn’t give you the complete training program. It took me nearly 6 months just to find everything and go through his journal articles. Then another 5 years to test and research the methods.
I even got a Professional Strength and Conditioning Certification in the process… that’s how deep I was into this stuff! So as you can imagine, this has kind of been my life for the past 10 years. And I wanted to put it all into an easy to follow the plan.

That’s why I’ve spent countless hours compiling everything I’ve ever found on vertical jumping into a downloadable, done-for-you action plan which I’ve named VERT SHOCK. And if you’re interested, I’ll send you a link to download all of my research, as well as the full workout plan today.

During the first 7 days of VERT SHOCK, you will be introducing your body to the unique movement patterns and exercises of the program. And I don’t want that to sound intimidating at all…
It’s not hard on your joints… it’s no more demanding than playing in a pickup basketball game or anything else you’ve probably tried. In fact, it’s probably a lot easier. Remember, we’re going to be working SMART not hard.
Everything I’m going to be introducing you to is centered around unique jumping exercises combined with precise sets and reps. This first step is called ‘The Pre-Shock’ phase and it’s designed to get your body ready to fly. You will train for 4 days this week for 30 minutes per session.

Step 2 of VERT SHOCK training is designed to really push the limits. Here we ‘shock’ your body into jumping higher than you ever thought possible. This is where the real magic happens. You will train on average just 3 days per week. For a total of 40 minutes per session. Each of your movements will carefully target those neglected elastic fibers.
You must explode on every jump during this phase of the program this is how you consistently reach your MAX vertical jump velocity and strengthen those elastic fibers. After these 6 weeks, you will be leaping higher than all your friends ever thought possible.

The final phase of the program is the ‘The Post-Shock Phase’. Think of this as the icing on top. Where everything your body ‘learned’ in steps 1 and 2 becomes cemented in your muscle memory. Ready to be called on at any time so that you can rise up and throw down massive rim-rocking dunks on command. You will train for 4 days this week for an approx. 30 minutes per session.
We back off the intensity this week and allow your body to unleash a FURY of vertical jump potential. This is the most exciting time of the program. You will feel much lighter and springier on your feet. Your strengthened elastic fibers will make it feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Thanks for visiting and read this article. Hope this gave you a lot of information that you needed. Give us education from here.
Thathit Dhada Dhewangga

No matter how well or hard you train, there’s 4 'Jump Killers' which will sabotage your success and prevent you from ever jumping any higher. Chances are, you're doing at least one of these right now.
Inside this FREE bonus you will discover:
How to ditch the BS that’s stealing your vertical jump power so that you can finally break free from the handcuffs of feeling overlooked and underestimated…
The #1 common mistake ALL players make when trying to increase their vertical… (Heck I bet you probably did this today…) And the easy solution to get you flying higher than ever before…
How to avoid a common misconception most "experts" tell you when it comes to training your vertical jump so that you can avoid the frustrations and pitfalls.

Training, technique and targeting the right muscle fibers are all very important.
But sometimes a few quick and dirty 'hacks' are just what you need to add an extra couple of inches.
Inside this free bonus, we spill the beans on 5 of Justin's dirty secrets to getting up there by any means necessary.
You're not going to believe these simple dunk 'cheats' of his…

The best program in the world is worth squat if you don't follow it.
So, to prevent you from having to rely on your willpower too much, we've included a simple weekly email check-in system that increases your consistency and thus results through solid behavioral psychology.
We’ve got your back!

Would you believe that there are common everyday foods that sap your body's 'springiness' and cap your maximum jump potential?
It's true.
But not only that, but there are also a bunch of foods which serve as jump fuel, making your body learn these 'shock' motor patterns of ours faster and easier than ever.
Follow this simple step-by-step checklist and maximize your jump potential today.

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The “MCV” secret to instantly increase your vertical jump by altering your approach velocity… you’ll be shocked at how fast this works.
A simple but deadly effective “launch pad secret” to 10x your power transfer during takeoff for MASSIVE hang time…
Why you must ALWAYS aggressively pull yourself towards the ground before you jump… this is the #1 most effective way to EXPLODE your vertical and dunk faster and easier than ever.
And much, much more…

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